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About Patrice Courcelle

Military Master Artist

Patrice Courcelle is a French artist known for his paintings and drawings of military history, particularly his depictions of historic battles and military uniforms. 

He has a particular fascination with the Napoleonic era and has produced many works on this subject, including portraits of notable military figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Marshal Ney.

Born in the north of France, Patrice Courcelle pursued classical studies and received a short training at the Beaux-Arts de Lille. He left them to receive direct instruction from several artists on historical art and its requirements.

Through his Parisian master Eugène Lelièpvre, Courcelle became the heir in line to the famous battle painters of Louis XIV.

His art, though rich and learned, refuses to be vulgar and frozen expertise, and instead is built on an active and elegant line producing compositions full of life, movement, and even violence when necessary.

Patrice Courcelle's historical knowledge and the thorough documentary research of his work mean that he is often told: "But... you were there! Courcelle is also a recognised, active and much sought-after specialist author-illustrator. He is published by the most reputable Belgian, French and British specialist publishing houses. He is the author and illustrator of countless articles, documented illustrations, covers for more than 100 books devoted to military history and the study of uniforms, mainly revolutionary and Napoleonic, including more than 25 on the Battle of Waterloo alone, etc... All of which, over the decades, have made Patrice Courcelle a recognised specialist in the so-called "Revolution-Empire" period, not only in terms of artistic representations but also in documentary terms, giving his art an additional and exceptionall dimension in terms of value.

As a result, Patrice Courcelle has been invited to exhibit, alone, at the École Militaire in Paris and at the legendary École Militaire of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, at the Château de Morges in Switzerland, etc., as well as in several prestigious places in Europe and the United States. In 2013, the Royal Army Museum in Brussels devoted a magnificent retrospective exhibition to his work.

To sum up, Patrice Courcelle is today at first what one could call a renowned artist, creating "erudite", totally personal and original works; he is at the forefront in his field and continues the path of an artist of his time by painting for large private or public collections. His historical paintings and original illustrations are sought after and sold all over the world, mainly in Europe and the United States, and are included in prestigious collections.

Exhibitions extract

Find here an extract of Patrice Courcelle's Exhibitions. These places and events are recognized as highly prestigious internationaly.  

30 juin 2007

Presentation at the C.I.D. (Ecole Militaire in Paris) - 25 original plates and paintings

October 2007

Union League Club Chicago. Convention de la US Napoleonic Society. 45 Planches et peintures.

June 2009 , 2011 & 2013

Hôtel des Invalides (Paris - France) Salon National des Peintres de l'Armée Française. 1 composition à la gouache - 2ème prix des œuvres sur papier.

June & July 2009

Musée du Souvenir des Ecoles d'officiers de St-Cyr Coëtquidan (France). 50 planches et compositions.

From 2012 to 2013

And many more ...

Musée Royal de l’Armée – Bruxelles . Exposition rétrospective. 60 planches, peintures et agrandissements muraux.

Since 2015, Patrice Courcelle has stopped exibiting and focus only on his customers orders and some highly seclected publishings.  

Bibliography Extract

Extract for British, French and Belgian Military History Publishers
Not including illustrated articles for specialist magazines, by the d

  • Ney, le Brave des Braves. Par le Dr. François Hourtoulle - Lavauzelle Editions (France), Illustrations par P. Courcelle: 8 compositions.

  • Ceux Qui Bravaient l'Aigle - Série réalisée et auto-éditée par P. Courcelle. Illustrations et commentaires par P. Courcelle :11 planches doubles et 11 planches A4

  • Histoire Militaire des Belges des Origines à nos Jours. Recherches et illustrations réalisées pour le groupe Jacobs-Suchard-Côte d'Or.

  • Réalisation de 250 planches. De cet important travail, un seul volume de 50 planches à été publié. Histoire de Belgique pour les Enfants. Altoria-Averbode Editions (Belgique). Réalisation de 100 vignettes environ

  • Les Uniformes des Guerres Napoléoniennes. 70 planches + commentaires. Editions Quatuor (France). Waterloo 1815 - Carnets de Campagne N°1. Hougoumont. 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 - Carnets de Campagne N°2. Le Chemin d'Ohain . 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne N°3. La Haie-Sainte . 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne N°4. La Papelotte . 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne N°5. Les Vertes Bornes . 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne N°6. Plancenoit . 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne N°7. La Belle Alliance -volume 1. 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne N°8. La Belle Alliance -volume 2. 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne N°9. La Belle Alliance volume 3 . 10 planches et diverses vignettes. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne. Hougoumont Complément Illustré n°1 . 2 planches d’uniformes et 2 compositions. + commentaires

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne. Le Chemin d'Ohain Complément Illustré n° 2 . 2 planches d’uniformes et 2 compositions + commentaires.

  • Ceux Qui Bravaient l'Aigle. Réédition augmentée. Recherches + 50 planches + commentaires. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles.

  • Mémoires des Frères de Stuers, N°1. Recherches et 9 planches. Editions de la Belle Alliance, Bruxelles. Ticonderoga 1757. 4 compositions. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Campaign Serie.

  • Louisbourg 1758. 4 compositions. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Campaign Serie. Vimeiro 1808. 4 compositions. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Campaign Serie.

  • Fuentes de Onoro 1809. 4 compositions. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Campaign Serie.

  • Bussaco 1810. 4 compositions. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Campaign Serie.

  • Emigree and Foreign Troops in British Service (volume 2 1803-1815 ). 8 planches. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Men-At-Arms Serie.

  • Wellington's Belgian Allies 1814-1815 . Recherches et 8 planches. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Men-At-Arms Serie.

  • Wellington's Dutch Allies 1814-1815 Rechercheset 8 planches. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Men-At-Arms Serie. Napoleon's Commanders (volume 1) Recherches et 8 planches. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Elite Serie.

  • Napoleon's Commanders (volume 2) Recherchese et 8 planches. Osprey Publiching (Grande-Bretagne). Elite Serie.

  • Napoleon's Guards of Honor Recherches et 8 planches. Osprey Publiching (Grande-Bretagne). Men-At-Arms Serie.

  • Napoleon's Red Lancers Recherches et 8 planches. Osprey Publiching (Grande-Bretagne). Men-At-Arms Serie.

  • Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (volume 1 ) Recherches et 8 planches. Osprey Publiching (Grande-Bretagne). Elite Serie.

  • Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (volume 2) Recherches et 8 planches. Osprey Publiching (Grande-Bretagne). Elite Serie.

  • Napoleon's Carabiniers. Recherches et 8 planches. Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Men-At-Arms Serie.

  • French Revolutionary Infantry Recherches et 8 planches.Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Men-At-Arms Serie.

  • Kaizer's Warlords 1914-1918. Par Ronald Pawly - Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Illustrations et commentaires par P. Courcelle : 8 planches.

  • Napoleon’s mamelukes. Par Ronald Pawly - Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Illustrations et commentaires par P. Courcelle : 8 planches.

  • Les Uniformes du Sacre. Par P. Courcelle. Etude détaillée d'une suite de gravures contemporaines par Hoffmann - Quatuor Editions (France). Compléments par P. Courcelle: 25 sujets + commentaires

  • Napoleon's Scouts of the Imperial Guard . Par Ronald Pawly - Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Illustrations et commentaires par P. Courcelle : 6 planches et 1 composition double page

  • Les Quatre-Bras - 16 juin 1815 . Par Alain Arcq - Historic'one Editeur (France). Illustrations par P. Courcelle : 2 personnages

  • Napoleon's Mounted Chasseurs of the Imperial Guard. Par Ronald Pawly - Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Illustrations et commentaires par P. Courcelle : 6 planches et 1 composition double page.

  • Montlhéry - 16 juillet 1465. Par Christian Delabos et Philippe Gaillard - Historic'one éditeur (France). Illustrations de P. Courcelle: 6 personnages

  • Napoleon's Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard. Par Ronald Pawly - Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne) Illustrations et commentaires par P. Courcelle : 6 planches et 1 composition double page

  • Napoleon's Horse Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard. Par Ronald Pawly - Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Illustrations et commentaires de patrice Courcelle : 8 planches d'uniformes

  • Belgian Army in WWI. Par Ronald Pawly - Osprey Publishing (Grande-Bretagne). Illustrations et commentaires de patrice Courcelle : 6 planches d'uniformes et 1 composition double page

  • Die Sächsische Armee 1810 -1813 - Zeughaus Verlag (Allemagne) par Peter Bunde, Markus Gârtner et Marcus Stein. Particitation de Patrice Courcelle: Couverture + 2 planches d'uniformes. Participation de Patrice Courcelle: 9 personnages en 2 planches

  • "A Most Warlike Appearance - Uniforms, flags, etc.. of the United States in the War of 1812" - Service Publications (Ontario-Canada) par René Chartrand.

  • Waterloo 1815 Carnets de Campagne. La Haie Sainte Complément Illustré n° 3 . 2 planches d’uniformes et 2 compositions + commentaires.

  • Coffret rétrospectif des oeuvres de Patrice Courcelle. Editions Quatuor (France). 35 compositions originales, inédites pour la majorité. Publié en  2011

  • La 2ème campagne d'Italie de Napoléon (Editions Quatuor). Particitation de Patrice Courcelle: 80 planches, compositions et vignettes + commentaires. Publié en 2011.

  • Waterloo – Erckmann & Chatrian – Edition Hachette/le Chène 2014. 100 illustrations environ + commentaires.

  • Etc

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